Facebook stops working and people go crazy
Social networks dominate the world. Some Facebook users are going crazy because Facebook apps stop functioning and there's a problem with the required buttons. SNS may be a waste of time, but now that the world of living without SNS is no longer needed, it is doubtful whether it is a stepping stone for paying SNS as mentioned last time, as it no longer handles users' convenience quickly.
Facebook stops working
As a symptom found in some of the users while using Facebook, users raised the issue, saying that the manipulation of required buttons made the app's condition strange and stopped working.
The problem is that it occurs in multiple smartphones and no one can explain why.
He also said that the problem occurred because the recent software update was wrong. The problem has erupted with Android users, who say that the button in question is the go back button on the Facebook app.
In the past, people could go back or go back to the last screen with the buttons at the bottom, but now there's no other option but to scroll to the top and tap the buttons back.
Most users may think it's a minor inconvenience, but Facebook officials are likely to have been stressed enough by the complaints of many people in the big communities Reddit and X (formerly Twitter).
Three days after the initial complaint, no solution came out, and only one person wrote that nothing happens when you post a current post or photo and click the back button.
"I have to press the go back button at the top left of the app that I've never used before, but it's annoying" and "Please fix the go back button that drives me crazy."
And there's a flurry of complaints, "What happened to the back button?" and users are waiting for software updates, believing the problem will be resolved quickly.
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